Saturday, April 13, 2013

CITY COUNCIL: Authorize City Administrator to Execute a Recycled Water Agreement with the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District to Irrigate the 4th Avenue Pathway

Meeting Date: 2 April 2013
Prepared by: Sharon Friedrichsen,
Public Services Director

City Council
Agenda Item Summary

Name: Authorize the City Administrator to execute a recycled water agreement with the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District to irrigate the 4th Avenue Pathway.

Description: In 2009, the City completed the 4th Avenue Riverine Habitat Restoration project, which included a pedestrian path and native riparian landscaping. The Pathway provides a safe and aesthetically pleasing pedestrian link to the north end of Carmel Beach, other neighborhood pathways along San Antonio A venue, and into the residential neighborhoods to the northeast of 4th Avenue. The Pathway is currently hand watered by City staff with potable water. The proposed agreement would allow the City to use up to 0.5 acre-feet of surplus non-potable recycled water for irrigation of the Pathway.

Overall Cost:
City Funds: The City will pay the same price per unit of recycled water as the golf courses and other recreational areas of the Del Monte Forest, which is currently $3 ,727 per acre-feet ($1 ,864 for 0.5 acre). In addition, the City will be required to install a water meter, estimated to cost about $20,000, which is recommended for funding for fiscal year 2013-14 within the 2013-2018 Capital Improvement Program.

Staff Recommendation: Authorize the City Administrator to execute the agreement.

Important Considerations: The Pathway is currently hand watered by City staff with potable water. The proposed agreement would allow the City to use up to 0.5 acre-feet of surplus nonpotable recycled water for irrigation of the Pathway. Permitting will be handled The City is working with the Pebble Beach Community Services District on permitting requirements.

Decision Record: N/A

Reviewed by:

Jason Stilwell, City Administrator Date

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