Resolution No. 2018-042, Awarding a Contract to Anderson Pacific Engineering Construction, Inc. for Construction of the 5th Avenue, Torres to Carpenter Streets, Storm Drainage Improvement Project in a Not-to-Exceed Amount, including 10% contingency, of $1,396,225 for the Base Bid plus Bid Additives 1 and 2, and Authorizing a Supplemental Appropriation of $1,120,225 to the Fiscal Year 2017/18 Adopted Budget.
a Contract to Anderson Pacific Engineering Construction, Inc. for Construction
of the 5th Avenue, Torres to Carpenter Streets, Storm Drainage Improvement
Project in a Not-to-Exceed Amount, including 10% contingency, of $1,396,225 for
the Base Bid plus Bid Additives 1 and 2, and Authorizing a Supplemental
Appropriation of $1,120,225 to the Fiscal Year 2017/18 Adopted Budget.